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Math Note 的故事


Tutor of IP/O-level Math Note

(Credit: Portrait by Erica Lim, ex-student)

Math Note 是蔡老师的杰出成果,怀揣着一颗深情的心,旨在赋予在数学学习中遇到困难的学生们力量,激发他们在这门学科中取得卓越成就的自信心。蔡老师拥有南洋理工大学土木与环境工程学位以及国家教育学院数学与物理教育的研究生文凭,这一教育背景使她具备了开始这一有意义事业的知识和技能。



最初,蔡老师编写了简单的总结笔记,阐明关键概念并强调学生常犯的错误。令她欣喜的是,当她在补习课上与相对较弱的学生分享这些笔记时,学生们的反应非常积极。这些笔记成为提高学习效果的催化剂,极大地增强了他们的理解力。在这一变革性的影响的鼓舞下,蔡老师致力于为各个学科编写类似的笔记。凭借她的教学经验并设身处地为学生着想,她的笔记成为了一种全面的学习资源,并持续更新以适应教育部课程的变化。此外,蔡老师的专业知识还延伸到与Marshall Cavendish合作,共同撰写了Primary Cambridge课程的教材、练习册和教师指南。

出于希望能够触及更多学生的愿望,蔡老师意识到她的笔记具有惠及无数他人的潜力。她的愿景是提供更小班级的规模,让老师能够给予学生个别的关注,于是Math Note诞生了。

蔡老师拥有超过19年的教学经验,曾指导来自不同领域和不同学术水平的学生,包括IP数学、O级A/E数学、N级A/E数学和JC H1/H2数学。到目前为止,超过800名学生受益于她的笔记,其中有令人瞩目的90%在期末考试中获得了A和B等级的成绩。将您孩子的数学之旅托付给蔡老师的有组织课程和精心制作的材料,目睹他们在轻松愉快的方式中征服数学的第一步。让我们共同铺就通往更光明数学未来的道路!

Sample of the book can be found here

Stage 3: Expanding Impact and Achieving Exceptional Results

Driven by the desire to reach out to more students beyond the confines of her own classroom, Miss Ayassa Chua realized that her notes possessed the potential to benefit countless others. With the vision of providing smaller class sizes, enabling teachers to offer individual attention to students, Math Note was born.

With over 20 years of teaching experience, Miss Ayassa Chua has guided students from diverse streams and academic levels, spanning IP Math, O-level A/E Math, N-level A/E Math, and JC H1/H2 Math. To date, more than 900 students have reaped the benefits of her notes, with an impressive 90% achieving A and B grades in their final examinations.


Entrust your child's mathematical journey to Miss Ayassa Chua's structured lessons and meticulously crafted materials, and witness their first steps toward conquering Mathematics in a fun and effortless manner. Together, let's pave the way to a brighter mathematical future!


Tutor and student for IP/O-level Math Note

Math Note 如何能够帮助你

了解 Math Note 如何帮助您的孩子达到期望的成绩

One student for IP/O-level Math Note

Math Note 学习模型

 Math Note 专门开发的学习模型,以有效取得良好成绩

Two students for IP/O-level Math Note

 Math Note 的课程结构


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