我们的中二课程旨在帮助 您的孩子获得深入的数学应用技巧知识。这对您的孩子准备在高中阶段解决更复杂的问题尤为重要。
对于Integrated Program (IP)课程的学生,课程内容与O-level课程的学生相似。IP学生可能会被提前介绍一些高级中学的课题。这些主题也将在我们的课程中涵盖。
Linear Inequalities
Linear Equations in Two Variables
Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expression
Algebraic Fractions and Formulae
Quadratic Functions, Graphs and Equations
Congruence and Similarity
Pythagoras' Theorem
Trigonometric Ratios
Volume and Surface Area of Pyramids, Cones and Spheres
Problems in real-world contexts
Each topic includes:
Detailed explanation of concepts and principles
Comprehensive revision notes
Individualised explanation and support tailored to each student's requirements
Worksheets encompassing all subtopics within the same chapter
Practice questions on different level of difficulties.
Challenging revision questions
Each term includes:
Topical revision Papers
Mock Exam/Test Papers
Students will:
develop the ability to recognise similar type of questions
acquire the logical reasoning skill to solve questions
practice good working presentation
develop good habit of self-checking on incorrect steps
Sample Learning Notes

Illustration and explanation presented in a simple way to enable students to understand them easily
Highlight of main formula to guide the students on what to focus on during revision.
Worked example to show students the proper presentation of working and example for them to follow.

Further illustrations on the idea out of syllabus context to induce thinking and interest of student
Real life context on application of the topic
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