Summer Holidays Workshop
Come join us this summer holiday for some fun and activities while learning Math!

IP/O-level Additional Mathematics
4th June 2019 to 20th June 2019
In this series of workshops, students will have an in-dept insight of each topic.
Individual student will receive
feedback personally on the workings and presentations
comments on areas of improvements
Solution to Common Problem Faced by Students
Students will also be given pointers on how to start on the exam questions in situations when they do not how to begin.
Tips to Score that 'A'
Students will be taught on higher level of mathematical presentation of their workings on exam papers.

Secondary One Math Festival Workshop
25th June 2019 to 26th June 2019
This series of workshops is intended to enhance students' Mathematical skills and interest through fun and activities.
Individual student will receive
Personalised explanation on the topic covered
Feedback on proper workings and presentation
Lower Secondary students usually have problems with proper presentation of Mathematical expressions and(or) equations. In the workshop, students will be given pointers on how to present and what to do in solving Math questions.
IP/O-level Additional Mathematics
Secondary 3/4

4th June, Tuesday
What will student achieve from the workshop:
Acquire the technique in the application of the Laws of Logarithm in solving equations
Gain understanding on different types of logarithm exam questions
Master the technique in sketching Logarithm graphs
Overview and analysis of the type of Logarithm questions in O-level exam papers by teacher
Linear Law and Modulus Function

6th June Thursday
What will student achieve from the workshop:
Master the skill of identifying different straight line equation form Y = mX +C
Master the technique in sketching Modulus graphs with step-by-step guidance
Acquire the techniques in solving different types of modulus equations
Overview and analysis of the type of Linear Law and Modulus Function questions in O-level exam papers by teacher
Trigonometry 1

12th June Wednesday
What will student achieve from the workshop:
Master the technique in sketching different types of Trigonometrical graphs with step-by-step guidance
Identify period and amplitude of Trigonometrical graph and their applications in exam questions
Master the technique in manipulating Trigonometrical expressions
Overview and analysis of the type of Trigonometry questions in exam papers by teacher
Trigonometry 2

13th June Thursday
What will student achieve from the workshop:
Acquire the skill in solving Trigonometrical equations
Master the proper presentation of R-formula
Gain understanding and application of Trigonometrical Identities in different situation
Overview and analysis of the type of Trigonometry questions in exam papers by teacher
Coordinate Geometry

19th June Wednesday
What will student achieve from the workshop:
Master the skills in the application of the formula of gradient, length, mid-point to solve exam questions
Learn the technique of identifying clues and hints from the questions to solve Co-ordinate Geometry questions
Overview and analysis of the type of Co-ordinate Geometry questions in exam papers by teacher
Parabola and Circle

20th June Thursday
What will student achieve from the workshop:
Master the skill in application of circle properties to find equation of circle
Acquire the technique on manipulating general question of circle
Attain the mathematical skill in conversion of General Form of equation of circle to Standard Form and vice versa
Overview and analysis of the type of Parabola and Circle questions in exam papers by teacher

Secondary One Math Festival Workshop
25th June 2019 to 26th June 2019
1pm to 2:30pm
Algebra (Tuesday 25th June 2019)
Acquire the technique on proper presentation of Algebraic Expressions
Develop concrete Mathematical skills in algebraic manipulation in preparation for upper Secondary Mathematics
Angles, Triangles and Polygons (Wednesday 26th June 2019)
Develop strong concepts on angles
Master the properties of angle for parallel lines
Acquire the technique of finding angle of polygons
Fee: $80 per session (Inclusive of materials and light snacks)

Sign up now and enjoy
$15 off per session for 2 sessions and above*
$20 off per session for currentstudents
*Not applicable for current student
Payment mode
Cash, PayNow, PayLah, Internet Banking
Payment must be made in advance for confirmation of slot.
Limited slots available
183 Jalan Pelikat #01-86
The Promenade@Pelikat Singapore 537643
+65 8218 7192